More Cosmetics To Feature Vitamin A For Anti-Aging and Combatting Acne

2022 has seen a plethora of new trends emerge. Retinol has come to the forefront as people look for a focused cosmetic experience. However, these substances are potent and need some knowledge before using them.

We look at what retinol is, what it does, and how you can apply it so you can get the most out of your skincare regime. Additionally, we look at the market so you can decide if you should add these substances to your catalog.

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Where does retinol come from?

an array of meat that is a source for naturally occuring retinol

Retinol is what is called a “retinoid.” Retinoids are compounds that involve vitamin A. Typically, retinol is found in foods such as dairy products, fish, and meat. This may not sound like a great way to get vitamin A if you’re vegan. But, retinol is safe for all types of people (vegans included) when it comes to cosmetics.

When it comes to cosmetics, retinol is made synthetically. Naturally occurring retinol, like the kinds you’d find in meat, are not stable enough to use in beauty items.

Is Retinol Safe?

Person applying retinol to their face

Retinol is safe to use. There are stories of people having bad experiences with retinol, but generally, it is safe to use. People with sensitive skin should first check to see if they can use it.

Substances like Retin-A and Accutane contain stronger forms of retinol. Approach these products with caution as they could lead to red skin and irritation. Practice moderation even if your skin can handle stronger versions of retinol. Frequent use can still cause irritation in all skin types.

Can retinol prevent acne?

a woman with oil skin

Acne, whiteheads, blackheads, and similar problems are constant problems. Retinol is looked to as the solution to the problems oily skin poses. Retinoids can clear out pores so other beauty creams can work effectively on the skin.

Retinol unclogs your pores by exfoliating the dead skin away. This reduces the amount of oil your skin produces. The use of retinol can also reduce acne scars. Products with retinoids clear up dead skin tissue and allow them to be replaced by new skin cells.

How can retinol be used for anti-aging?

A young woman with youthful and tight skin

Retinol helps to increase the amount of collagen that your skin produces. Collagen handles skin elasticity. As we get older, our collagen tends to reduce and thus we get wrinkles. By increasing the amount of collagen, retinol can reduce fine lines.

When using retinol to reduce fine lines, patience is key! On average, it takes about 6 - 12 months of consistent use before you begin to notice any changes.

Can retinol help with hyperpigmentation?

Vitamin A is essential for those with hyperpigmentation. Retinol is able to lighten dark spots. Apply it to patches of skin that are darker as a result of over-pigmentation. Retinol is safe to use for all skin types.

How to apply retinol

A single drop of water

Retinoids are pretty powerful substances. It’s best to use caution when applying any creams involving retinol. Apply only a pea-sized drop of product.

When you apply retinol is important. Unlike other creams, you can’t apply it all the time Using it only once or twice a week is best if you are starting out. Using retinoid creams works best at night. During the daytime, the sunlight reduces their effectiveness.

It’s best to not use other acne-fighting medications and exfoliating products. Using a combination of these products with retinoids can cause skin irritation.

It is also important to note that you should apply sunscreen during the day. Sunscreen will help increase the benefits of retinol by preserving it within your skin for extended effects.

Should your cosmetic brand add retinol to its catalog?

office supplies for someone with a cosmetic business

While retinol has been around for a while now, it has recently seen a rise in 2022. Creams, serums, and other beauty products using retinoids have entered the spotlight. This market is made up of people looking for a more focused approach to their skincare regime.

The people who are buying retinol are experienced, beauty shoppers. You need to research what specific needs your audience has for this informed market.Retinol is not for everyone, particularly those with sensitive skin. If your brand of cosmetics is focused on people with dry skin, it is best to look into other products.

As an acne medication, retinol can be highly effective. It is also a great product looking to reverse fine lines, wrinkles, and the aging process. Be sure to advertise the best methods of applying retinoids. Your shoppers will be able to get the most out of their experience.


Feeling like retinol is right for your brand? Contact CJW Cosmetic today to see how you can retinol to your brand. When it comes to retinoids, quality is everything. Retinoids can either make or break your audience’s trust in your company. With over 500 businesses served, CJW Cosmetic will ensure you get a product that your audience will love. Get started today and see how you can expand your catalog to match the needs of the market.


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