How to Combine a Cosmetics Routine With a Busy Schedule

A busy schedule creating a messy desk

Your cosmetics routine may be a source of stress if you have a busy schedule. Stress and cosmetics should never go hand-in-hand. When it comes to beauty, it should be all about self-care. It is important that we find moments to take care of ourselves the busier we are. 

So, how can you combine a routine for self-care with a tight schedule? It’s time you were introduced to the latest trend of “beauty snacking.”

Interested in creating your own beauty snacking line? Contact us today to see how you can be involved with this new and emerging market.

What Is Beauty Snacking?

a person splashing in the water and feeling refreshed

“Beauty Snacking” developed as people began to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. As people worked from home they noticed that their morning and night routines were disrupted. People began to take brief breaks throughout the day to focus on self-care between work.

Think of beauty snacking as exactly what the name implies: a snack. Except, it’s not food.

Beauty snacking is small “bite-sized” moments where you can optimize breaktime through cosmetics.  It is a brief break in the day and can help you feel more refreshed before heading back to work.

How To Create A Beauty Snacking Routine

a busy schedule

Different schedules need different routines. Each person can have a completely different idea about what is best for their routine. Before you begin perfecting your routine, it is best to start off with what is called the “Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro Technique breaks down like this:

  • 25 minutes of work = 5-minute break

  • 2 hours of work = 15-minute break

What this means is that every hour, you will take four breaks. Each break is five minutes. After two hours, you can then take a 15-minute break. For two hours of work, that is a total of eight breaks!

You can then set aside some time for self-care during those breaks. Ideally, you don’t want anything too intensive.

What Routines Work Best For Beauty Snacking

Two hands rubbing lotion onto each other for a quick moment of self-care

If you have a hair care routine, it’s best to save that for before or after work. Yet, a soothing hand massage with your favorite lotion can be the pick-me-up you need during a long day at work.

Beauty Snacking works best with small beauty work. Some ideas for your own routine are:

  • Nailcare

  • Handcare

  • Facemasks

  • Lipcare

Feel free to think of more cosmetic ideas to fit your work schedule. The routines listed above are simple enough to do in a 5-15 minute time window. However, don’t let that limit you. Be creative. It’s your routine. Try a facemask during a 15-minute break and then try aromatherapy for a five-minute break.

Your routine should be optimized for you! Take a lesson from Marie Kondo and keep what brings you joy. If something isn’t helping you feel your best self, then try something else instead. Beauty snacking is all about using your breaks for optimized relaxation.

The Future of Beauty Snacking

an empty office room

Despite people returning to the office, there is still a want to continue beauty snacking. The question is how.

The biggest advantage of being at home instead of at the office is that all your beauty supplies are already around you. In the office, not so much. Imagine dragging your entire home cosmetic setup to the office. Lounging in the office breakroom with a facemask might not go over too well in the office.

Thankfully, the market is looking for ways to fix this issue. People now understand the difference having a quick cosmetic routine can have on a hectic schedule. Expect to see cosmetic items on retail shelves that cater to office routines.

How Your Beauty Company Can Take Advantage of the Beauty Snacking Trend

People working on ideas on how to take advantage of the beauty snacking trend in cosmetics

The market for beauty snacking is right there and waiting. For your cosmetic brand to succeed in this market, you can either create a new product catered to this market or do a simple repackaging.

If you want to angle your company towards the office crowd, look for things that can be done discreetly. A facial scrub might not work best, but a nailcare kit is something that a person can do at their desk without drawing too much attention.

Even better, why not offer something like a full beauty snacking kit. Individual items are great, but people love to have their cosmetic routine in an easy-to-carry box.

small portable cosmetic items that are great for small moments of self-care for people with busy schedules

This market could also have a lot of potential for a subscription-based service. One that not only shows off your other items but also gets people to share your cosmetics with coworkers.

Having a setup of cosmetic items for use in the office can be a way your brand makes a name for itself. What’s more, is that this is an entirely new market. Don’t let that terrify you, instead, see it as an opportunity.

With the market at the ready, you just need to provide a beauty snacking service. Since it’s a developing market, there is plenty of room to innovate and make your brand stand out.


If you’re looking to optimize your beauty and cosmetics line for beauty snacking, you’ll want to make sure the design fits your clients’ needs. CJW Cosmetic’s ODM service was made to work for all kinds of needs. Send us an email and tell us a little about what you want and we will respond to let you know how we can help you.


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