2022’s Biggest Cosmetic Trend: Fermented Cosmetics

Is 2022 the year of the fermented cosmetics trend? Starting a cosmetics business is hard, mainly because the trends are constantly changing. Sometimes, the trends come completely out of nowhere. That seems to be the case with the latest trend of fermented cosmetics. But, just what are fermented cosmetics, and are they worth investing in? We take an in-depth look so you can decide if your beauty line needs a little fermentation. 

The History of Fermented Cosmetics

While we talked a little about fermented cosmetics in our last post, the history is a little more complex. Fermented skincare and cosmetics have their origins in Korea. If you are familiar with Korean cooking, then you’ll know that one of Korea’s biggest cultural exports is kimchi. This side dish is made by fermenting cabbage with a plethora of other spices and peppers. 

However, there’s more to Korean cuisine than kimchi. Doenjang, ganjang, gochujang, are all pastes made through preservation that are used in your favorite Korean dishes. Even the alcoholic beverage, makgeolli, is made through fermentation. With fermentation being one of the main techniques in Korean cooking, it was only a matter of time before it made its way to other facets of the Korean lifestyle. 

The history of using preservation in cosmetics is a method that goes back to Korea’s Joseon dynasty. This dynasty began in 1392 and is responsible for the creation of the Korean alphabet as well as being the cultural basis for a lot of modern Korean culture and etiquette norms. Fermented cosmetics have also been used in Japan where geishas used fermented rice lotions for softer skin. 

What are Fermented Cosmetics?

Fermented cosmetics are cosmetics that utilize the chemical breakdown process of a given substance through bacteria. The best part is that fermented cosmetics rely on natural ingredients. 

The enzymes created through the preservation process will benefit you by giving you skin that is both strong and smooth. As bacteria break down substances, they also produce amino acids, antioxidants, and other organic acids that help your skin hydrate easier. It also helps with anti-aging as it aids in skin cell rejuvenation and removes fine lines. 

Should You Use Fermented Cosmetics For Your Cosmetics Brand?

The biggest problem with chasing trends is that they are constantly changing. If you try to incorporate every trend into your cosmetics line, then you’re going to go break, fast. So, is it worth it to invest in a line of fermented cosmetics? With the fermented chemicals market currently being worth $47.4 billion as of 2016, it’s a safe bet.
This 2022 cosmetic trend appears to have a lot of staying power. This is mostly because the benefits are not just surface level. The breakdown of substances allows the skin to better absorb all the nutrients. Compared to other cosmetic lines that have not been fermented, not all the nutrients are able to penetrate the skin. But, since there is a breakdown of chemicals happening, it makes it easier for your skin to take it all in. 

The fermentation process is also being utilized in many different ways giving you a wider array of products to implement it in. Facial cleansers, brightening masks, exfoliating products, and more are beginning to use fermented ingredients so your body can get the most out of them. There is a niche group of people who swear by fermented cosmetics and that group is expanding as this trend is set to take off throughout 2022. 

Some of the largest cosmetic brands in Asia are currently selling their fermented cosmetic lines. Brands like Skinfood, AmorePacific, and Rice Beauty are having success and that success is growing as the international market begins to take notice.


Are you interested in seeing how fermented cosmetics could help your brand? Contact CJW Cosmetic and see what options are out there for you so you can get in on the latest trend. As more cosmetic brands look to incorporate fermented beauty products, you’ll want to get in early or, at the very least, see if it is a decision that makes sense for your own brand. Send us an email and we will get back to you shortly.


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